Colour Rays
What are the Colour Rays?
7 Bands of Colour Rays
There are currently 147 exquisite Colour Rays, each touching an aspect of our multidimensional selves, our psychological, emotional and spiritual experiencing. There are 7 Bands of Colours, each made up of 21 Rays; each Band has a distinctive flavour and focus:
Colour Rays for Practitioners
Some people want to work with the colours for their own evolution and this is beautiful. Others want to add the dimension of colour to their healing practice because they are practical, laser-pointed and yet infinitely expansive. Colour Rays & Reiki When Colours come forward they take all forms of body-work and energy-work to another level. For example, several Reiki practitioners have said prior to working with the Colour Rays, they knew the divine energy was flowing but not the reason why. The Colour Masters channel to you why the person has become out of balance and what they need to come back into harmony. Using the Colour Cards, you are able to determine exactly the underlying issues and the energy vibration needed for the client's highest healing. Colour Rays & Bodywork In body-work sessions the Colours can point to deeper areas of stress and holding-on. Without words, simply calling the Master of the Colour Ray, healing can happen. For example, when Delicious Lilac Master comes, you can feel an exquisite healing stream descend. Queen of the Pack might suggest power issues are afoot; Wasted Ochre Master is often present helping to heal the devastation of loss. Captain's White suggests that you move beyond self-doubt and claim your leadership abilities. Pastel Pink helps to heal nostalgia for the past, and Cobb Gold imbues the wisdom of the ages, helping you to follow your golden path. Colour Rays & Shamanic Healing Calling on the Colour Masters during Shamanic Healing sessions adds deeper dimensions to your healings, especially in Soul Retrievals and Power Retrievals. With the Colour Masters as your divine helpers, allies and guides, your healing practice becomes far more potent on all levels. The Colour Rays open you to multidimensional states, where you can see and feel from a higher perspective. You become a channel through whom the divine can touch those who need it. You can enter into the world of the Colour Masters by - Colour Rays for Self-discovery & Meditation
Each Ray is not only an essence, it is also a mirror and a doorway. As mirrors, they reflect with great compassion what is happening in this moment. As doorways, they lead you to a deeper level of awareness -- both, of yourself and your place within the Whole. When you see clearly, then understanding arises. You fall in touch with your own wisdom and resources and you are able to find the golden thread of harmony that you seek in your life. Here are ways the Colour Rays can enhance your explorations:
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