Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmissions
A Rainbow Matrix Healing is a high-intensity laser of love and light transmitted during the Tuesday Rainbow Circle gathering.
Healing can be requested for yourself, for a friend or family member or even a beloved animal friend. You can also requested assistance in finding the highest harmony in a difficult life situation. When healers work as a group the energy blossoms exponentially. So for 15 - 20 minutes during the weekly Tuesday Rainbow Circle gathering, our team of highly experienced healers and light-helpers will focus solely on transmitting divine light and consciousness on your healing request. How does a Rainbow Matrix Healing work? All Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmissions are directed by the Rainbow Circle leader that week, in partnership with the Colour Masters,a host of divine light beings and ascended teachers. We are guided by Spirit, and the healing may take the form of a Constellation, a shamanic ceremony, Reiki, Colour Healing, vibrational healing, psycho-drama or any combination of the above. Often insights and guidance may be received during the Healing Transmission -- and can be shared with you, if you wish. Do I have to be present for my Rainbow Matrix Healing? Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmissions are equally effective, whether you are there in person or not. If you cannot be present, we do ask that you find a quiet, receptive space whilst the transmission is taking place. Can I request a Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmission for someone else? If the healing is for someone other than yourself, we will need to know that we have their permission to work on their behalf. If the healing is for a child, we will need parental permission. If for some reason the person cannot give their permission (i.e. if they are in a coma), please let us know and we will assist you. Below are some of the numerous testimonials we have received after Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmissions:
I wanted to give feedback regarding the Rainbow Matrix Healing for M and J.
It seems indeed that after your healing meditation their journey took an uplifting positive direction. M's memories/brain activity came back with strength, he is communicating much more, there seems a will now in him to live, and also important the (before reluctant) doctors believe now that he can make it and so the brain/skull operation is finally scheduled for Sunday!!! So huge progress!!! Thank you, - well, words are sometimes not enough... tons of love, K After two Healing Transmissions (another) K wrote:
"I really do feel like it's made a big difference to me and I'm sure the transmission is why there has been a sudden shift in my lung function as it was quite sudden day by day." "I meditated for quite some time during the healing and I floated off to the woods. It was dark and I was dressed in a white flowing gown holding a bright yellow ball of light. I then floated upwards and had Rays of yellow and pink around me in a moonlit starry sky. Very nice experience and I got goose bumps all over and a wave of energy. Then for a while I had no pain and was breathing better - felt great to be honest!!" I had a delicate scrotum operation in March 2015. Shortly afterwards I received two Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmissions to aid recovery. On the day of the second transmission I wrote that I had experienced glorious, joyful energies while sitting quietly in the garden! The operation was a complete success with no after effects once the recovery period was over. M.G.
Last year I requested a Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmission to help sell an elderly friend’s home – as he was moving into an Assisted Living residence.
I was attending the Rainbow Circle that day. As I tuned in with the ceremony, I could feel delicate yet electric energy tingling through me. It felt that we were all helping to dissolve any long-held attachments that my friend had been holding to his flat, cleansing and recharging the atmosphere there. We projected positive affirmations that new and appreciative owners would arrive soon and be the perfect people who could pay my friend's asking price. And indeed, this all happened! Soon after the RMHT, new purchasers made an offer which was accepted, and the sale is now nearing completion. My friend and I feel so much appreciation to the RMHT team. Thank you so much for that magical energy boost!! M.J. |
To request a
Rainbow Matrix Healing Transmission please click here. To
book and pay please click below Only £19.00 |